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Showing posts from September, 2019

Easy Pepper Chicken Stir Fry (review) -- or How to Survive without Oyster Sauce

It is Sunday. I spent the day working at my actual workplace, getting some good work done because...Sunday. My very sweet spouse offered to pick me up, and as we drove home, I realized I hadn't really thought about what to make for dinner. A quick mental inventory of the fridge: bell peppers, chicken, mushrooms. Next, Google. The last thing I wanted to do was cook, so honestly I picked the first recipe I could find for which I had ingredients. I could have done a stir fry without a recipe, of course, but I needed some sort of inspiration. Enter " Easy Pepper Chicken Stir Fry " from Holly at Spend with Pennies .   On Pinterest it says "This Pepper Chicken Stir Fry recipe is ridiculously easy to make with ingredients that you already have in your pantry..." MOSTLY true.  But I will tell you---I do not have oyster sauce in my pantry.  Do you? (Not a rhetorical question---I'm actually curious if that is a standard ingredient that people keep on hand).